Piling up in supermarkets and online stores, chocolate eggs are one of the most visible cues that Easter is around the corner. Stacked up in all their chocolatey glory,
Read moreHymns or Contemporary Christian Music
hymn /hɪm/ noun a religious song or poem of praise to God or a god. a type of song, usually religious, specifically written for the purpose of adoration or
Read moreA Tale of Two Advents
You need not be a genius to come up with a few rightful contenders for the ‘Word of the Year’ 2020. If your guess has anything to do with a
Read moreBite-Size Discipleship
“Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the beauteous land.” – Julia Carney. In the short run, it’s often hard to see the impact
Read moreThe Unsent Christian
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all
Read moreGossiping, You, and Me.
(This article first appeared on Medium.) “What does the Bible say about gossiping?” This question plagued my mind for three odd months. It kept coming and going in waves and
Read moreHormones and New Life
C.S. Lewis captures the pervasive nature of the Christian faith in his famous assertion: “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only
Read moreHope for Floundering Hearts
We’re in the second half of the year. Like a football game, the half-time is over and we’re back to play. Except, there was really no half-time. With the regular
Read moreDelighting in the Trinity
We’ve just celebrated Father’s Day, and several people went down memory lane to appreciate moments shared with their father. So many emotions and memories! The last thing I expected
Read moreHelping Parents Thrive in Discipleship
When we look at our children, most of us if not all want kids that obey rules, respect us and others, love God and the Bible and make us happy
Read moreThe Gift in Hard Times
A Tale of Grief Several centuries ago, there lived a wealthy man reputed to be the greatest in the ancient Near East. He was so rich he had multitudes of
Read moreNo Longer Two but One: The Gospel and Marriage
“In any argument, a wife has the last word. Anything the husband says after that last word is the beginning of a new argument.” “If a man opens the car
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