Femi Osunnuyi - April 1, 2023
Hungering For God

Scripture References: Mark 2:18-22, Mark 2:18-22
From Series: "Introducing the Son of God"
The book of Mark introduces Jesus as the Son of God. Nothing else could be wilder at the time - the implications of such a claim are endless. And Mark, the writer, wastes no time in showing us proofs of how Jesus is God’s Son; through supernatural happenings, Jesus’ actions, his perspective and his words. For a people who were meeting Jesus for the first time, the responses to Jesus were quite expected; he was stunning to some and unbelievable to most. The people at Jesus’ time are just as peculiar as we are, living in this age and time with our unique concerns and realities, yet Jesus’ firm introduction as God’s son in the book of Mark holds astounding implications for us too. We would love for you to join us in our new sermon series, “Introducing the Son of God” based on Mark 1-4 as we learn how Jesus’ identity as God’s son would radically change our lives today.