Many times, our work feels meaningless: it seems like we are not achieving anything worthwhile. We may embrace the things our work provides us, but they will not give us lasting meaning. The writer of Ecclesiastes shows us that the recipe for meaninglessness is a worldly worldview and a worldly heart. If the output of our work defines life for us, then it has become our god; if the result of our work becomes the measure of meaning, and this is idolatry.
However, the Bible shows us that there is a resolution for our meaninglessness. We need a godly worldview and a godly heart. The true value of our work is not in the material gains or the money we make but in God's assessment from an eternal timescale. Jesus' work on earth appeared meaningless; many people did not believe in him. Yet, it is Jesus' finished work on the Cross that gives us meaning. Jesus worked with his eyes set on God's eternal timeline.
We will find true meaning for our lives and our work when we rest upon Christ's finished work and see our temporal work from God's eternal perspective with a renewed heart.
Lagosians know a thing or two about physical idols but in the 21st century we think of them more as harmless cultural artefacts kept in museums. The Bible however, teaches us that they’re more than that – our hearts are idol-making factories that exert power on us through three main surface idols: Money, Sex and Power. In the “Idols and the City” sermon series, from September 2nd to November 25th, we will see that only the Gospel of Christ can truly give us the fulfillment we seek from these idols and deliver us from their bondage.